"Cyber-Friend" - A Doctor Who Fan Prequel to "Fugitive Of The Judoon"

Hello everyone, if you are watching this, you are in grave danger and are very likely to die soon. Yes, I'm aware that's not the best opening to this little video diary but please keep listening, this is a very important message. My name is Captain Jack Harkness and I am a former member of the Torchwood Institute, which was stationed in Cardiff. For several years now, I have been moving forward with my life and enjoying retirement. For an immortal man, that is something of a rarity and I need to enjoy the 'easier' part of life. For those tuning in who are unfamiliar with my past, allow me to provide you a brief summary of what got me to this point....

When I worked for Torchwood, I was tasked with fighting monsters and keeping the people of Wales safe from whatever monstrosities arrived through a rift in space and time. As a team, we were able to keep the world safe without anyone discovering our existence. As time went by, our teams' numbers dwindled as... some of us didn't make it out alive. Tosh, Owen, Ianto... even Suzie.... there isn't a moment that goes by where I reflect on what happened to you all... Then there was the one who got away.... Gwen Cooper.

Gwen was my best friend and arguably was second in command of our little team. Since the dissolvement of Torchwood, I've seen little of her since she decided to stay distant from my hectic and often dangerous life, which I don't blame her for. With Torchwood gone, I decided to travel the universe to help ease my conscience. I have done this journey a couple of times in my long life, but this time it was different. The trouble with being immortal, you see countless people enter and exit your life in a blink of an eye. I will always feel alone.

However, there was one day that changed the future of the human race and this event involved an old friend of mine. Using my trusty vortex manipulator, I travelled to Earth in the year 2019 to investigate strange anomalies occurring round Cardiff.... reminds me of the good old days! Upon arriving in good old Cardiff, I noticed something was different. I've lived on Earth for hundreds of years and got used to its atmosphere, but it seemed different. As I walked through the local forest, whilst scanning for this anomaly, I could hear the familiar sound of boots stomping on the ground in the distance. As the sound got closer, I started to remember why I recognised the sound.... IT WAS A CYBERMAN!

As the metal warrior approached me, I noticed several things about its design. The metal armour was very rusty and seemed to be severely damaged. My initial assumption was that it was part of a previous Earth invasion, maybe part of the "Battle of Canary Wharf" but the armour looked far more older. Once the Cyberman was few paces in front of me, it started speaking with its distorted, yet haunting voice. "Jack" it said as it loomed over me. I noticed in its hand that there was a photo and as I went to grab it, I saw the face of an old friend... Gwen!

Surely not, this can't be her! For those who are unfamiliar with the Cybermen, they convert humans into Cybermen by removing all emotions and placing the brain inside a cyborg unit. The Cyberman slowly told me about an entity that had been sent back through time. A Cyberium. Whilst it was giving me this knowledge, I constantly asked if this machine of evil was Gwen.... it always refused to answer. Once the Cyberman had given me the message, it teleported away using a huge amount of electrical energy. I knew what I had to do.

Now we are all caught up, lets discuss my new mission. For the past couple of years, I have been travelling the universe trying to find another old friend of mine.... The Doctor. I've visited loads of planets and different solar systems to try and find him. I haven't had much luck so far but with a new ship I 'acquired', I should be able to find him with ease. To this day, the words from that Cyberman continue to haunt me. I now know it is from the "Cyber Wars" and knowing how devastating that war was on the universe, I needed to act fast. I need The Doctor.


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