Nerd Update

Hello you legends,

I hope you are all staying safe in this weird time of lockdown. Just a little update on various things that are going on at the moment, I am currently finishing the script for my Doctor Who fan audio "Broken Shards", which will be released in 6 days! Also, in 6 days, it will be my birthday.... which is going to be very strange and completely different to the way I originally planned for things to go. I'm still going to be making the most out of the day by doing my usual... gaming and watching TV!

Since lockdown has happened, I've tried various ways to try and be creative as I possibly can to keep myself occupied. On my YouTube channel, I have recently been experimenting with new forms of videos such as sketches and discussion videos. I do plan on doing vlogs at some point once everything is back to normal (if there were ever such a thing) and hopefully attend more nerdy conventions.

As of today, I have nearly finished my 3000 word essay, which I've rather enjoyed writing as it's made me understand a lot about a certain television programme I like.... After that is completed, I am going to be continuing with my final two projects for my first year at University. I've really enjoyed my first year studying and I can't wait to continue studying over the next few years to get my full degree.

What else happened since my last blog post? Well, I've continued playing the Resident Evil games, which are fantastic by the way and I will recommend them as it is one of my favourite horror franchises. I still continue to login daily to Animal Crossing to get my nook miles, earn some bells and decorate my island some more. At time of writing, there is a new update being added to the game today, which brings new merchants, items and visitors to the game! Also, I am planning on binging some TV shows that I have always planned to eventually watch such as Killing Eve and Gotham.

Before I wrap up this blog post, I would like to provide a little update to my next Doctor Who short story "Me and My Metal Friend". I did tease on my Twitter that the story will resolve a 14 year plot hole and today, I am going to be revealing what that is. So, the story will involve the incarnation of The Doctor introduced in my short film "The Lost Child" discovering a lone Cyberman whilst in an old war zone.... Canary Wharf!

Before the question is asked, it's not the Lone Cyberman from the last series of Doctor Who. This Cyberman used to be the leader of the Torchwood institute during the series 2 episodes "Army of Ghosts" and "Doomsday", before she was converted into a Cyberman. As a huge fan of the show, I was always curious to what happened to Yvonne Hartman and that serves as a huge inspiration to this story. Another inspiration is the school trip aspect from Marvel's Spiderman: Far From Home, which was one of my favourite movies from last year.

Anyway, thank you everyone for supporting the YouTube channel and for giving feedback on the short stories. I appreciate it.

Stay safe everyone,

- Nerd Den


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